Getting Ahead as a Real Estate Agent
Hi, my name is Jordan Flake. I’m an attorney with Clear Counsel Law Group. I have some advice for real estate professionals out there. We deal with a lot of real estate professionals, we like a lot of the ones that we use, and if you do need a good real estate professional, I can certainly put you in touch with somebody that we trust.
My unsolicited, I guess, advice for real estate agents is this: Learn a little bit about the law, especially when it comes to real property and estate planning. Understanding the law, with respect to real property and estate planning will make you seem a lot smarter to your clients.
Now, I’m not trying to give you advice on how to conduct your career, but I will tell you that in sitting down with a lot of agents, going out to lunch, what they tell me is, these days, because of the internet, because of websites like Zillow and just because of the ability to go online and do a lot of the selling and buying, a real estate agents’ job is really changing from simply listing properties, showing properties, which are things that, now, everyone has a better opportunity to do them on their own, to really being experts about the things that they’re trying to accomplish for their clients, and getting their clients the help they need, and so that’s one reason why a real estate agent should consider getting a deeper understanding of how estate planning works.

How to put your house in a trust, differences between joint tenancy with rights of survivorship and tenants in common, or community property with rights of survivorship. There’s really a lot that a lawyer knows about real property and estate planning that would make it so that a real estate agent was that much more impressive and conversant and savvy with their clients.
If you’re a real estate agent listening to this video and you’re interested in meeting with me or setting up some kind of a seminar or presentation, reach out and we’ll see if it’ll work.
I have a few different presentations that I do for real estate agents, and I’d be very interested, in this upcoming year, to sit down with you personally, or with a group of you, to talk about how to learn a little bit more about the law and how that might benefit your career. Thank you.